
Struggling through and letting go...

7 minute read Published:

Note: This post was originally written on 2023-10-30 and it is a rambling mess. You’ve been warned… This year was harsh… I spent many days sitting on a small red couch on my balcony, worrying about the future, about how to navigate… fucking everything. I started the year still suffering from burn-out, depression and severe anxiety attacks. I struggled through and survived. My partner and I had a serious relationship crisis.

HLI: Wie man einen Eltako S91-100 für eine Tasterschaltung anschliesst

1 minute read Published:

Schaudiagramm um einen Eltako S91-100 in einer Tasterschaltung zu verdrahten.
Ich konnte online kein einfaches Diagramm zum anschliessen finden, also habe ich schnell eins gezeichnet. Eine Tasterschaltung mit einer Lampe, einem Eltako S91-100 und beliebig vielen Tastern sieht wie folgt aus: Der Eltako schaltet dann die Lampe bei jedem Tastimpuls (Tastendruck) zwischen dem ein- und dem ausgeschalteten Zustand hin und her. Disclaimer: Ich bin keine Elektrikfachkraft und möchte hier niemanden auf dumme Ideen bringen. Strom im Haushalt ist gefährlich und kann bei mangelhafter Verdrahtung zu Bränden führen.

TIL: How to store and restore the state of multiple entities in Home Assistant

3 minute read Published:

Short howto: store/restore state in HA
The problem: Automations sometimes need to store the state of several entities at once and then restore all of them at a later point in time. An example of this is: When I open my balcony door at night, I want the lights in my room to turn off. when I close the balcony door, I want the lights to be restored to the exact same state they were previously.

TIL: How to prevent a package from updating on ubuntu

1 minute read Published:

Short howto: package pinning on ubuntu
Sometimes you need to upgrade a server, but you also need to prevent apt from upgrading a specific package (eg. your node.js version). Many package-managers support this scenario under names like “version pinning” or “package holding”. This is how you prevent apt from upgrading a single package: Dependencies Ubuntu 12.04 or newer apt Pin a package to prevent it from being upgraded sudo apt-mark hold $PACKAGE_NAME Unpin a package to allow it being upgraded again sudo apt-mark unhold $PACKAGE_NAME

TIL: How to update all package.json dependencies at once

1 minute read Published:

Short howto: update all npm dependencies using jq and xargs
Dependencies node.js and npm (obviously) jq xargs (may needs to be installed manually) Update all dependencies to their latest version: cat package.json | \ jq -r '.dependencies | keys[]' | \ xargs -I {} npm i -S {}@latest Update all devDependencies to their latest version: cat package.json | \ jq -r '.devDependencies | keys[]' | \ xargs -I {} npm i -S {}@latest Alias the commands for easier reuse To reuse the commands without having to remember them just put them into your .