TIL: How to update all package.json dependencies at once

1 minute read Published:

Short howto: update all npm dependencies using jq and xargs


  • node.js and npm (obviously)
  • jq
  • xargs (may needs to be installed manually)

Update all dependencies to their latest version:

cat package.json | \
	jq -r '.dependencies | keys[]' | \
	xargs -I {} npm i -S {}@latest

Update all devDependencies to their latest version:

cat package.json | \
	jq -r '.devDependencies | keys[]' | \
	xargs -I {} npm i -S {}@latest

Alias the commands for easier reuse

To reuse the commands without having to remember them just put them into your .bashrc or .bash_profile file. Add this to the end of your bash configuration and restart your shell afterwards:

alias npm-update-all-dependencies="cat package.json | jq -r '.dependencies | keys[]' | xargs -I {} npm i -S {}@latest"
alias npm-update-all-dev-dependencies="cat package.json | jq -r '.devDependencies | keys[]' | xargs -I {} npm i -S {}@latest"

Now you can update all dependencies by running npm-update-all-dependencies in your project folder. To update all devDependencies run npm-update-all-dev-dependencies.


  • Don’t use this hack without proper validation. You have been warned!
  • This has only been tested with:
    • Mac OS 10.14.3 (with xargs included)
    • node v10.15.0
    • npm 6.4.1
    • jq 1.6