
TIL how to count git commits in a repository by author name

1 minute read Published:

Count git commits in a repository by author name
Today I learned how to count git commits in a repository by author name: git shortlog -s -n --all --no-merges Explanation: git shortlog: summarize git log output -s: only count commits -n: sort by commit number instead of author name --all: count commits in all branches --no-merges: exclude merge commits If you want to include author emails add -e Sources:

I wrote a IOTA Wallet Seed Generator Tool

2 minute read Published:

UPDATE: i changed the source of the generator - if you want to see the updated source, please head over to the Github repo Because I needed a quick (and reasonable secure) way to generate IOTA wallet seeds, I wrote a tool in Go. this is the source code - so you can compile it yourself. you can also download it here (signature - my keybase profile). Feel free to leave any feedback :)

TIL how to use caddy as automatic https reverse proxy

1 minute read Published:

Short howto: download and configure caddy - an automatic https (!!!) webserver
Hey Blog! Long time no see… Today I will show you how to download and execute caddy - an automatic https web server and reverse proxy written in Go! be me. browse the interwebs. see caddy - a fully automatic https server togoodtobetrue.jpg write script to download caddy from their cdn and create a Caddyfile on a spare server itsworking.exe best day ever - free ssl certs with auto renewal

TIL how to run postgresql in docker and persist the database

1 minute read Published:

Today I needed a postgres database for development that persisted its data when recreating the container. That’s not docker’s default behaviour, but docker volumes to the rescue! This is the command to run a postgres container that persist it’s data in /var/yourpgdata: docker run \ --name pgresql \ -d \ -p 5432:5432 \ -e POSTGRES_USER=yourpguser \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yourpgpass \ -e POSTGRES_DB=yourpgdb \ -v /var/yourpgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data Fine… but what does this mean? Let me explain:

TIL how to (re)enable syncing your shared google calendars

1 minute read Published:

Today i opened my Calendar app on OS X and all my coworkers shared calendars had vanished… And there’s no option to re-enable them from within the app itself. After a short investigation I found this link: Just go there and tick all calendars you want to sync.