
TIL how to count git commits in a repository by author name

1 minute read Published:

Count git commits in a repository by author name
Today I learned how to count git commits in a repository by author name: git shortlog -s -n --all --no-merges Explanation: git shortlog: summarize git log output -s: only count commits -n: sort by commit number instead of author name --all: count commits in all branches --no-merges: exclude merge commits If you want to include author emails add -e Sources:

TIL how to rename/move folders in git projects

1 minute read Published:

Today I had the case that I wanted to rename a subfolder in a git-project at work. “Easy” I thought. Just rename the file in finder, stage all un-staged changes in SourceTree, commit and push. But… the only thing that happened was that SourceTree complained about not being able to find files in the old foldername. So I googled a bit and found a solution. How to really do it Just use git mv on the shell!